Hi everyone! I’m Colleen, and this is my blog from the time I spent living in Buenos Aires, Argentina, for nine months with my fiancé, Justin. We were there from March to December 2019.

Here’s more background on why we decided to go and what I did there:

The year after I graduated from college, I lived in Spain as an English teaching assistant. When I came back to the U.S., I moved to Washington, D.C., where Justin was living. But it wasn’t long before I was plotting my next adventure living abroad. And luckily, Justin was on board! More than four years later, we finally made it happen.

I left my job in the U.S. to go to Buenos Aires, so I used my free time to focus on my freelance writing, in between practicing my Spanish and exploring the city!

I love the opportunity that living abroad, even temporarily, provides you to explore a new culture and a new place, and get out of your comfort zone. It makes every day an adventure. Even doing basic things like going to the grocery store can be exciting—or challenging, depending on the day. Living abroad is also great because it gives you a new base for traveling to other cities and countries nearby. I picked Buenos Aires because I wanted to practice my Spanish and go somewhere I had never been, and I wanted to be in a big city. I’d read about Buenos Aires in the course of studying Spanish and always thought it seemed like an interesting city, so I figured it would make a good place to stay.

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